The design of a simulation generator


  • Antonie Van Rensburg Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Pretoria



ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Successful simulation studies depend on a variety of expertise such as statistics, computer programming, systems analysis and design techniques. Unfortunately these requirements limit the availability of competent simulation analysts, while simulation applications are in demand. This paper presents a possible solution to the shortage of expert simulation knowledge through the design of a simulation generator, a software tool that translates conceptual simulation models into computer code. The design process for the expert system and simulation components of the simulation generator uses an adapted software lifecycle methodology.

AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'Suksesvolle simulasiestudies hang van verskeie kundigheidsonderwerpe af, soos byvoorbeeld statistiek, programmering, stelselanalise en ontwerptegnieke. Die vereistes beperk die beskikbaarheid van geskikte simulasiekundiges , ten spyte dat simulasietoepassings in aanvraag is. Die artikel bied '0 moontlike oplossing aan vir die tekort aan simulasiekundigheid, deur die ontwikkelling van simulasiegenerators te bespreek, wat rekenaarprogrammatuur is wat konseptuele simulasiemodelle in rekenaarkode omskryf. Die ontwerp van die simulasiegenerato r se ekspertstelsel- en simulasiekomponent is gebaseer op ' n aangepaste rekenaarprogrammatuurlewenssiklus metodologie.




How to Cite

Van Rensburg, A. (2011). The design of a simulation generator. The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 7(2).



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