Note from the Editor




This is the last edition of the year. And, at the end of a year, it is a good idea to consider what worked well, and where we need to improve. In an editor meeting in early November, the performance and plan forward for the journal was discussed. I also had a useful meeting with ASSAF (The Academy of Science of South Africa), to discuss how we can deliver a better service to our academic community, using a more stable web platform, and resulting in a faster turn-around time, and higher visibility of the published articles. Discussions are now underway with various stakeholders. Aspects that are now considered are:

  • A “publish when ready” model, meaning that once a submission has passed and satisfied the review process, it is published on-line, and does not wait for the printed edition to be compiled.
  • Outsourcing some of the administrative review control and publication processes, so that the editorial team is no longer the bottle neck (we are all full time academics, who perform the journal editorial duties in our free time, and this often causes delays)
  • The Submission Fee model needs refinement, because the payment process adds significantly to the turnaround time.
  • Moving to a Page Fee model (i.e. authors who write more compactly, are rewarded with a smaller fee)
  • A new upgraded template.
  • Ways to allow submissions to be submitted in Word or Latex, without specifying a specific template the author needs to use.
  • Publishing the final product in PDF, HTML and/or ePub.

 Unfortunately, to implement some of these changes has a cost impact, and this will mean that it will become more expensive to publish in SAJIE. But, we hope to find a good compromise where the higher costs are justified by the significant additional benefits.

Due to a more scalable editorial process where we use section editors to manage the review process, and the fact that it reaches most readers electronically, we can therefore aim for editions with more articles per edition. Therefore:

  • This edition has a total of 16 articles,
  • of the 16 articles, 10 are from authors with South African connections and the balance from international authors.

If you have suggestions on how we can take this journal forward, please let me know.



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How to Cite

Schutte, C. (2015). Note from the Editor. The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 26(3), iii.


